Web client

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Web client

The Web client can be used to make hour bookings within a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Safari. Reports can also be generated here. The Web client can be used when the use of a local server or a cloud database has been set up. Read about setting up a local server or a cloud database in the Database management chapter.


Starting and logging in

To log in to the Web client a login name and password need to set up in the desktop client (\client\twClientPro).


Do this as follows:

1.If a local server or the cloud is not being used yet, go to Database management to set this up first. If this is done, go to step 2.

2.Start \client\twClientPro.

3.Go to Master data | Employee and set up the login name and password here. Save this information.

4.Change modules. Go to the Week grid for example. This is because details are not automatically transferred to the local or cloud server but during a module change.

5.Then go to File | Open web client in the main menu of the desktop client.

6.Enter the login name and password.


After you have entered your login name and password you can, if necessary before you click on 'Send', adjust your password by clicking on the link 'Change password'. You must enter your new password twice, the second entry is to confirm the first one. The modified password is saved in the database.


N.B.: As you can see the URL does not contain a name that is easy to remember, but sometimes also includes a series of numbers, letters and punctuations. Via these series of numbers and letters we can determine which administration belongs to you. From a security point of view, a URL that cannot be guessed has been generated. This makes it harder for hackers to find out the correct URL. You can save the URL as a favorite, so you don't have to type this in every time.