Tariff agreement examples

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Tariff agreement examples

Not billable tariff agreement

Suppose an organization has three possibilities to create not billable hourly bookings. They have a customer named '_internal', a product named '_internal' and an activity named '_internal'.


What they would like to achieve is that if one of these '_internal' aspects is choosen, the hourly booking becomes not billable.


The next image shows a situation that will not lead to the aimed result, because all three aspects are linked to one tariff agreement. The tariff agreement will only apply to bookings which are made on customer = '_internal' and product = '_internal' and activity = '_internal'.



To achieve the aimed result, you need to create three separate tariff agreements, one for every aspect, like this:


By putting these tariff agreements to the top of the list they will be used (if applicable) before any of the other tariff agreements.


Default tariff agreement

Suppose you want to have a safety net for hour bookings which do not match any tariff agreement. Than you need to create a tariff agreement linked to all employees, customers, products and activities, like the example below.  


By putting this agreement to the bottom of the list, it will only be applied when no other agreements are applicable.