Finding the right timekeeping software for your business really comes down to knowing the most important features and how they apply to your business. While there are plenty of software options out there, they don’t all offer the same features and functionality. Below, we’ll discuss some of the most important features for you.

Timekeeping Software

1. User-Defined Fields

While your timekeeping software will certainly come with preset fields, chances are good you’ll need to customize it to some extent. The ability to add user-defined fields allows you to extend the functionality and usefulness of the software in ways specific to your business, your processes, and your workflows.

2. Authorization

The ability to assign authorizations allows you to ensure that only specific employees can bill hours for specific clients, on particular projects, and more. It allows a greater degree of control over the entire process.

3. Assign Combinations

This feature allows you to control which clients or customers can be combined with each project, service or activity. It ensures that clients are never assigned to or billed for services or activities that do not apply to them.

4. Web Accessible

You should have access to your timekeeping software from any Internet-enabled device, and should not be tied only to your workstation. Web-accessible software provides the ability to access information, record hours worked, assign tasks and more from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an Internet connection. 

These are some of the most important features to look for in timekeeping software. However, there are many others that can provide value to your business. We invite you to explore TimeWriter and the robust features we offer.