Timewriter blog

TimeWriter App

TimeWriter can also be used on mobile devices. This allows me to book the hours immediately in the app when the visit to the customer is finished. That works so well and prevents me from having to write it down first on paper and then especially not forgetting to update it later in the office.

The app is suitable for both Android and iOS (iPad & iPhone) and can be downloaded in the Google Playstore or Apple App store.

Holidays in TimeWriter

The reference hours were discussed in the previous blog.

I can tell TimeWriter how many hours each employee normally works and I can also have TimeWriter checked on that. This is important to prevent employees from working too few or too many hours.

TimeWriter also knows when a day is a holiday. These days are indicated in the weekly schedule with a different color. They are easily recognizable in this way. On the holidays, the employee must manually book the hours that he / she would normally have worked. TimeWriter cannot do this for you automatically. In this blog I explain why that does not happen automatically.

Reference hours

TimeWriter is ideally suited to keep track of the hours worked by employees. The system can also check whether an employee has booked in enough hours. It is very nice to keep an eye on every week if all hours are booked properly. Any deviations can be signaled so quickly and early so that backlogs are prevented.

In TimeWriter I can set the system to check for this automatically. The system does this every time I start or close the program and warns me if the hours deviate. As a result, employees are notified early if their bookings are incorrect.

Invoicing subscriptions within TimeWriter.

Not all invoices are based on an hour invoice. As a company, you can also offer a subscription for which the customer pays a pre-agreed amount per period. That is why TimeWriter has the option to create subscription type tasks so that you can invoice the agreed subscriptions per period, regardless of the number of hours actually made for the customer.